Craft works with packaging material
The competition, which was organized by the company with the assistance of the Teachers’ Association, has received hundreds of craft works
Several hundred works from the four primary schools in this city, and from the schools in Takovo and Rudnik arrived at the company’s address. Using polyethylene films, the kids made craft works with a variety of motifs and showed how recycled plastic materials can be used to create real pieces of art. Thirteen of the most successful works were awarded a gift pack and will also be presented on the company’s calendar for the year 2019.
Authors of 13 award-winning works and their teachers were guests of “Foka” company and they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the process of packaging production for various types of products when visiting production plants and to see how the materials from which they made their art works are produced.
“Foka” as a socially responsible company strives to support and sometimes also initiates actions aimed at creating a responsible attitude towards the environment. Packaging has no longer only a role to protect the product, but in many cases, by its appearance and the shape represent the real artwork in which the product is to be packed, and a completely new vision of art in packaging materials has been shown by the youngest citizens in their art works – as emphasized in this company.