Socially Responsible Business
Part of our daily pactice is socially responsible business, but a long-term strategy as well. Respect for social equality, care for environmental protection, healthy and constructive dialogue, as well as respecting the rights of employees, safety and health of work environment, maintaining morale and ethics, developing productivity and partnership relations, taking care of the local community, open and ethical relations with the media and other interested parties, make only a part of the activities for further development and modernization of the society in which we do business by making decisions that contribute to improving the quality of life, employee standards and welfare in general. We respect human rights and international code of conduct. We have developed a meaningful and constructive cooperation with customers, suppliers, local governments, chambers, NGOs, the media, local institutions, organizations and associations. We want to be a good neighbor and we are actively engaged in creating better conditions both in the company and in the local community we operate in.